Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sittin by the fire....


As we prepare to move out of our house, we decided that we really need to use the fireplace more because we won't have one in the tiny apartment that we will be moving into. Last night, we cuddled up in our pajamas next to the fire. We sat on furniture that is being lent to us by some of our supporters. I love the smell and the sound of a nice warm fire in the winter. It's sorta like camping. We had hot chocolate and watched a movie. Today, we are babysitting Marissa for a while. We decided that since we would be in the living room for most of the day, that we would just keep the fire going. It is so cold outside that a fire is so inviting...sounds like a song huh? Well, I can't ignore the feeling. A warm fire while watching my wife lovingly care for a beautiful baby....

When will we have our own? Only God knows. We are still in the adoption network and seeking God for his direction. We don't know what He has in store, but we are watching and waiting....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

God Answers Prayer

God continues to be gracious to us, even in a bad economy. We have seen Him pour out blessings, and while we are eager to go to the field as soon as possible, we are learning to be content with where we are. Learning to "be still" and "wait on the Lord" is not an easy lesson to learn, however it is essential on the field. We will have to be very sensitive to his direction and the leading of the Spirit in our daily work. You can read some journal entries of our travels to eastern Europe @

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Who, What, Where, When, Why

Hello friends!,

We have way too much information to share to include in a quarterly prayer letter, so we decided we would join the rest of the electronically savvy world and start a blog. We will post regularly, so feel free to comment or make suggestions at any time and please visit our site!