Saturday, August 29, 2009

A little update

We have been a little out of touch lately, but we haven't lost faith! We are proud to announce that we are currently @ 65%. We want to thank God for being faithful, even when it is tough! We are also happy to report another supporting church. They have agreed to support financially and with prayer...they are a new family!

Also, we want to thank the LadyBugs small group for the cookbook idea. They organized, created, & published a wonderful cookbook for this ministry. All proceeds go to our departure costs. Thank you for your hard work, your prayers, and the good food!

Vacation: we haven't had a normal vacation in a long time. We want to be good stewards, so we have saved some money for the trip. Please pray that we will have a good time of relaxing and rejuvenating our bodies and souls. Please pray that God will give us a fresh outlook on this vision.

Check out our website for recent prayer requests/needs.

Tim & Rachel

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Camp...not what it used to be!

As you may have heard, Rae & I spent last week as camp counselors with the kids from our church. We attended KidJam in Anderson, S.C. It was fun, but very tiring. Our kids seemed to have a great time and there was never a shortage of activities. It did, however, teach me a couple of things. You wouldn't think that kids camp would teach the adults would you? Anyway, #1: I'm not as young as a used to be. Staying up late, eating junk food, & playing outside aren't as rewarding as they used to be. I found myself to be very tired about halfway through the trip and I must have left my extra patience at home. At any rate, we had a great time hanging out with the kids, but are happy to be home again.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Bigger than the Economy!!!

I want to start off by saying thank you. We want to thank all of our current supporters. Some of you have just signed up, others have been giving sacrificially for a while. Either way, we are very thankful for all that you do. We are happy to report that God has now provided over 50% of our needed monthly support. WOW!! Someone asked me recently, "is it hard to raise financial support when the economy is tough?" I could't be truthful if I didn't say that yes it is hard, but you know what I have found? God is MUCH bigger than the economy. We serve a very powerful God. He has actually been more faithful during the recession than before! I know that God has a plan, and while I don't always know the big picture, I am thankful that He just shows me the next step. God's provision and your obedience has been such an encouragement and strengthens our faith.

Please pray for Rae as she is currently in Atlanta visiting family and a few potential supporting churches. Please also remember to pray for our housing situation.

Check out the site because we have been doing some updating!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Echoes in My , uh...Living Room

If you know Tim or myself, you've probably heard us talk about our housing situation. We have been blessed to own a beautiful home. We are moving to Croatia! We have our home up for rent to help us get overseas both A.S.A.P. (God willing, of course). We have sold truck-loads of our things. We have packed up some too and put it into storage in My Nanny's basement. I have helped and watched Timothy spend weeks painting, updating, installing, and rebuilding. Our house is sorta empty right now. It actually echoes when you talk or walk around. Blah Blah Blah! All that to get to this point: Thank you God!! I love such an easily cleanable house! Some of our friends used to live in an apartment with only their bedroom furnished. They used to smile and talk about playing soccer in their living and dining room. I didn't get it, until now. I don't have so much to dust, wash, declutter, spring clean, redecorate, scrub, or look at. It is really calming for me to know that I can live on so much less stuff. I'm no minimalist, just a lot less of a collector of, well, colorful matter. Now I know why show homes look so great. You can actually see how clean it is. Your eyesight is not invaded by stacks and piles and distraction. Plus, with less things to organize, I have time for real cleaning. I'm talkin' Clorox style. God really knows how to free up some head room and let us live and see more clearly. Even when I contemplate being lazy, He keeps me on my toes. We have to keep everything ship-shape in case we get a last minute call to show the next folks the home that God has prepped for them. Here are a few photos of the place and the upgrades.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Praise-Caleb is fishing again...

As many of you know, my brother had a major back issue. I'm no doctor, so I won't go into the technical terms, but I will say that it was bad. He has been laid up for quite some time. But due to a talented surgeon and lots of your prayers, he is recovering well. We know that the recovery will take time, but he is making progress and I am happy to report that one of my favorite fishing partners went fishing today. I just got off of the phone with him and he is in some pain, but was happy for the opportunity to get out there and give it a go. Looks like a nice fish bro...keep it up! We are praying for you!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Alright, so almost everyone in the free world knows how Timothy and I are going into foreign missions. We have been spreading that news to and fro for what seems like 4-EVA. We just got some new supporters and I just had to tell somebody about them. Yesterday, the Harris family took a little road trip to Charleston (or Chucktown if you are a down individual). We got a chance to visit Mrs. V's 1st grade class at The Oaks Christian School there. If any of you are Seacoasters like us, then you will know the Vollertson's. Cindy Vollertson (Mrs. V) is their teacher and agrees with us that anyone ever hearing of the name Jesus is a missionary. So technically we had a little pow-wow with a whole classroom full of missionaries yesterday. Ya'll these kids were on top of things. They participated in every part of our presentation! They were respectful and totally got the idea of kids in another country needing a chance to hear about Jesus. It completely hugged my heart!! In the end all the kids colored a Croatian flag and agreed to pray for the kids of Croatia wit their families at home. We had a huge Croatian flag there and the kids wanted to pray for Croatia right then. We held it up over there heads, had them all touch the flag and had a great prayer. In the end, we had more volunteer to pray out loud than we had time for. I really felt just loved and blessed to be a part of God's plan yesterday. Kids praying for kids across the planet......missionaries in the first grade.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fish Slime is a Stress Reducer!

The clouds parted and a beam of light burst from the heavens this past Sunday. I got the quality-est of the quality time with my two favorite beings......God and Timothy. First things first, We never get a day off. Even when we aren't at our paying jobs, we both have a to do list that we are constantly working on. I mean unless we are passed out, we are working on something important. (Side note: To all the moms out there, we ARE busy, we don't have kids, but we ARE busy!) Sunday was different! It was like the earth stood still and I had the best day of my year.

We got to go into church and enjoy the worship, fellowship, and sermon! That's the first of the miracles! Next we got to spend the second half of the morning with the kids in the ZONE. WHOOP WHOOP ZONERS-this was my shout out sorry.

Then we died and went to heaven...or at least it felt like it. We hopped in the car, grabbed a snack, and went to the river. With a canoe, we paddled up stream and with Tim's direction it was like the fish just gave up and decided to come home with us. We weren't just fishing....we were catching!!!! If you haven't fished with Tim, you usually are just fishing. I think God has blessed my husband with a built-in fish finder.

We had so much fun that it even out shined the fact that I "fell " into the river early on and got my first ticket for fishing without a license (which I totally deserved, I just forgot!) Nothing could faze me I smelled like riverwater and fish guts and got to enjoy my day off with God and Timothy. Days like that don't come by too often, but just enough to keep me grinning.

Victorious again....thanks God!


Friday, January 30, 2009

Caleb is up and walking...

I just got off of the phone with my bro, and he sounds much better. He was able to walk around outside today with Dad, despite the frigid weather. Apparently, we in the south can't handle the cold weather. Personally, I am a wimp when it comes to the cold. Anyway, he says the pain level has dropped considerably, but is still bad. Please continue to pray for him when the Spirit leads you to.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An updated update....I think

Well, the doc says that Caleb had a LOT of arthritis around his vertebrae which is unusual for his age. He has been in a great deal of pain. Dad said it's the kind that makes you wanna bite down on a stick. It hurts me to know that he is pain, but I am glad to hear that there have been lots of visitors to help him through it. He has been trying to walk around a little and learn to wear the back brace, but it has been difficult since they don't have a walker that can accomodate such a tall man. We ask that you continue to pray that God will help ease his pain and will grant him a quick recovery.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Update on Caleb

The most recent report I have heard is that Caleb is finally able to go to sleep. The surgery appears to have been a success but he is in a lot of pain. They had to use some of the bone from his hip and some metal rods to fuse part of his spine. He was able to get some jello down today and should be able to eat tomorrow. It was sort of strange...his name is a good name. Just like Caleb in the Bible. Not afraid of anything.

I was glad that I was able to spend some time with him on Saturday and just have some fun.

We are grateful that God has His hand on him.


Skype's good, but it ain't my husband.

So Tim's in Columbia and I'm over in Lawrenceville, GA (commonly known as Larry-ville). We did get to spend the weekend here together, but now he's gonna get back to it. I am scheduled to hang out with my nephew Landon for the next 3 days, while his father has spinal surgery. It's funny how I can always crave my immediate family while living in SC. Then as soon as Timothy leaves me here and heads home for work in the morning, the loneliness sets in. I am really dreadin' going to bed. He's like my pillow or security blanket. Learning to sleep without Tim is like learning to sleep with socks.....who wants to do that, ever?!?!

Whenever Tim has to go out of town on business, I usually do some sort of work to a rediculous hour until I can' t possible stay awake any longer. So until the last 15 minutes, I have been watching Man vs. Food and Skyping with (you guessed it) Timothy.

All that leads me to my next thought. I can't help but wonder if looking at this screen and seeing the video stream from the other side of the laptop is what my close relationships are gonna be like once we move to the former-Yugoslavia. I really hope that you all are well versed and have really gotten down your Skype skills before we leave. I don't wanna feel lonely with out at least a video and the voice of my friends and family. If you know me at all, you know how I can't keep my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself. Thanks for following that route of thinkin'.....night night everybody.

-In His Hands,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request

Please take a moment and pray for my brother Caleb. He will be undergoing a complicated spinal surgery on Monday and he could use your prayer support. Rachel & I appreciate your prayers during this time.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This is a video of Rae's Family...Enjoy!

Obama Inauguration


I was watching bits of pieces of the inauguration today and I was happy for our country. I was glad to see patriotism and faith in our leadership. I didn't vote for Obama, but we have been praying for him since he won the election. I was torn between pride and fear of the future for our country. I think we should all continue to use our most powerful force and that is prayer. The truth is, our country has been on a down-hill slide for decades. I look at the culture and lack of morality of our country and it almost brings me to tears. I see a country that God once poured out blessings on that is now on it's way to destruction. I hope that true revival breaks out and our country turns once again to God and that He will have mercy on us.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

We need your prayers!

We have a specific prayer request and so we thought the blog would be the best place to post it. We have found a small apartment to rent and have sold most of our furniture. What we need now is a renter for our home. Could you play specifically that God would provide a renter for our home? We would love for the home to bless someone else as much as it has us and selling it isn't an option right now. We have listed the home with a management company and they have begun advertising it. You can see photos of it here.

Thank you in advance for your prayers!
