Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Echoes in My , uh...Living Room

If you know Tim or myself, you've probably heard us talk about our housing situation. We have been blessed to own a beautiful home. We are moving to Croatia! We have our home up for rent to help us get overseas both A.S.A.P. (God willing, of course). We have sold truck-loads of our things. We have packed up some too and put it into storage in My Nanny's basement. I have helped and watched Timothy spend weeks painting, updating, installing, and rebuilding. Our house is sorta empty right now. It actually echoes when you talk or walk around. Blah Blah Blah! All that to get to this point: Thank you God!! I love such an easily cleanable house! Some of our friends used to live in an apartment with only their bedroom furnished. They used to smile and talk about playing soccer in their living and dining room. I didn't get it, until now. I don't have so much to dust, wash, declutter, spring clean, redecorate, scrub, or look at. It is really calming for me to know that I can live on so much less stuff. I'm no minimalist, just a lot less of a collector of, well, colorful matter. Now I know why show homes look so great. You can actually see how clean it is. Your eyesight is not invaded by stacks and piles and distraction. Plus, with less things to organize, I have time for real cleaning. I'm talkin' Clorox style. God really knows how to free up some head room and let us live and see more clearly. Even when I contemplate being lazy, He keeps me on my toes. We have to keep everything ship-shape in case we get a last minute call to show the next folks the home that God has prepped for them. Here are a few photos of the place and the upgrades.