Sunday, January 16, 2011

Taco Četvrtak (Taco Thursday)

This week we had lots of drama in our lives. This drama didn't involve us misspeaking in Croatian or some other cultural blunder. We didn't even have to get out of our pjs for this week. It mostly revolved around the less popular water closet. Our house contracted some sort of stomach bug that resulted in a, let's just say, "less-than-glamorous week".

I (Rachel) had a pretty rough go 'round with this particular issue. This week consisted of a dance between the bedroom and bathroom for several days. Funny enough, all of our friends and family in the south were being held hostage in their homes for days on end due to insane ice and snow. Tim did a wonderful job of doctoring this week when he was feeling up to it. This guy kept us warm, fed (when possible), and very well medicated. The usual egg drop soup wasn't available as per our usual family remedy in the US; but we stayed well stocked in eletrolytes and broth thanks to Timmy.

Up until Wednesday night, the only things that I had successfully accomplished this week were church on Sunday, language class on Monday, and a few selfish cries to God for help. When Thursday morning rolled around, I was a brand new person. I felt relief. I felt myself. I even had a little pep in my step. God had given me down time. God had given me rest. God had given me a handsome doctor (Timmy) to love me back to health. God had answered my prayers, AGAIN! It's funny how your flesh can convince you that nothing else but you and your pain exists. I was free again.

Thursday is also the day that I began to realize that I was hungry like nobody's business. I was terrified to eat or drink more than broth and bananas until now. We went to the our pantry and discovered how God had yet again done a miracle. We just recently found taco shells in our local store here which was a major find for us. We have several packages of seasonings from the States. Thus began our Taco Četvrtak.

Thank you Valley Grove Baptist Church in Thomaston, GA!!! These guys sent us a huge package around Christmas with sweet cards, letters, washcloths, and beautifully shelled pecans (which aren't to be found here) and enough flavor to quiet Rachael Ray. Thank you for being willing to minister with us and to us all the way over here. You helped to feed a truly hungry couple. I know tacos aren't a usual go to meal after an ordeal like we had going on here, but it was the most wonderful comfort food to us.

We are back to our old selves again. Tim is currently driving to the capital to pick up our teammate Garret from his furlough in the US and I'm in-between church services this fine Sunday. Next week looks interesting and full of our Lord's promises!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Picture This

It has been a super-long time since my last update of this blog. We’ve had such an adventure, and this rollercoaster-ride is just beginning. Hopefully you’ve been getting our updates via email or Facebook. If you took a picture of our lives right now, you might be surprised by what our life looks like. I know that I wouldn’t recognize the life that God has chosen to craft mine into. As we begin this New Year, the Harris family leads a life that is saturated, sprinkled, and shining with promise and opportunity. We are still adjusting to living Croatian-style, but it’s beginning to feel more and more like home.

Our main task is meeting for language-learning with our brilliant Croatian tutor Ivana. She usually comes over a little early for a chat and coffee before our lesson. We enjoy using the method we were taught during our training in Colorado. Tim is grasping the language quickly and naturally looks for opportunities to use it throughout our daily lives. I, on the other hand, am learning as well, but sometimes find myself more cautious. My confidence is increasing daily, while my vocabulary grows rapidly. The Holy Spirit is definitely at work as we rely on Him to be the Ultimate Communicator.

We also meet regularly with our teammates. We pray for each other and any other prayer needs that seem to be pressing on our hearts at the time. I love this time. It is especially unifying for our team. Also, it’s so humbling to hear the hearts of my friends and co-workers.

We just took down our Christmas decorations and have the house ready to live in for as long as God allows. We will need to find another place to live before May. Our landlord has sold this house, but our God is taking care of us. We have several positive possibilities for a new place to live, and He is showing His power throughout this situation.

All in all, we are moving forward. Daily life is becoming more of a routine. God has us in His hand. As long as we continue to dedicate each day to Him, and His work, we have no needs and most of our desires are covered as well. I plan to keep this blog current and would appreciate any questions, topic ideas, and accountability.

Praise God in EVERYTHING!!!