Saturday, August 29, 2009

A little update

We have been a little out of touch lately, but we haven't lost faith! We are proud to announce that we are currently @ 65%. We want to thank God for being faithful, even when it is tough! We are also happy to report another supporting church. They have agreed to support financially and with prayer...they are a new family!

Also, we want to thank the LadyBugs small group for the cookbook idea. They organized, created, & published a wonderful cookbook for this ministry. All proceeds go to our departure costs. Thank you for your hard work, your prayers, and the good food!

Vacation: we haven't had a normal vacation in a long time. We want to be good stewards, so we have saved some money for the trip. Please pray that we will have a good time of relaxing and rejuvenating our bodies and souls. Please pray that God will give us a fresh outlook on this vision.

Check out our website for recent prayer requests/needs.

Tim & Rachel