Monday, June 1, 2009

Bigger than the Economy!!!

I want to start off by saying thank you. We want to thank all of our current supporters. Some of you have just signed up, others have been giving sacrificially for a while. Either way, we are very thankful for all that you do. We are happy to report that God has now provided over 50% of our needed monthly support. WOW!! Someone asked me recently, "is it hard to raise financial support when the economy is tough?" I could't be truthful if I didn't say that yes it is hard, but you know what I have found? God is MUCH bigger than the economy. We serve a very powerful God. He has actually been more faithful during the recession than before! I know that God has a plan, and while I don't always know the big picture, I am thankful that He just shows me the next step. God's provision and your obedience has been such an encouragement and strengthens our faith.

Please pray for Rae as she is currently in Atlanta visiting family and a few potential supporting churches. Please also remember to pray for our housing situation.

Check out the site because we have been doing some updating!