Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fish Slime is a Stress Reducer!

The clouds parted and a beam of light burst from the heavens this past Sunday. I got the quality-est of the quality time with my two favorite beings......God and Timothy. First things first, We never get a day off. Even when we aren't at our paying jobs, we both have a to do list that we are constantly working on. I mean unless we are passed out, we are working on something important. (Side note: To all the moms out there, we ARE busy, we don't have kids, but we ARE busy!) Sunday was different! It was like the earth stood still and I had the best day of my year.

We got to go into church and enjoy the worship, fellowship, and sermon! That's the first of the miracles! Next we got to spend the second half of the morning with the kids in the ZONE. WHOOP WHOOP ZONERS-this was my shout out sorry.

Then we died and went to heaven...or at least it felt like it. We hopped in the car, grabbed a snack, and went to the river. With a canoe, we paddled up stream and with Tim's direction it was like the fish just gave up and decided to come home with us. We weren't just fishing....we were catching!!!! If you haven't fished with Tim, you usually are just fishing. I think God has blessed my husband with a built-in fish finder.

We had so much fun that it even out shined the fact that I "fell " into the river early on and got my first ticket for fishing without a license (which I totally deserved, I just forgot!) Nothing could faze me I smelled like riverwater and fish guts and got to enjoy my day off with God and Timothy. Days like that don't come by too often, but just enough to keep me grinning.

Victorious again....thanks God!
