Sunday, July 4, 2010

Life in Fast Forward

As we ready ourselves for church, we are running in a million directions. I've had to pack stuff up to go to storage for Atlanta. I've gotten our overnight bag packed. After church,we are trekking to GA and back before morning. We've been trying not to buy new food, but to eat what we've got in the frig because of our move starting on Monday. We have dinner and lunch plans for 2 different days next week. All the while we are house sitting for 2 different supporters between now and the 11th. I don't know where to start. Sometimes I don't know if we are coming or going. But in the midst of all this, I get little pats on the back from my Father and my hubby! Early this am, Tim goes for his usual run and alone time with the Lord. When he comes back in, after all the hustling around and trying not to forget any little detail, he's smiling. He is almost giddy. He's flirty and even a little skippy. You see our life is hectic, right now. Our life is changing and turning and growing into something us. Usually this would stress me out! I want control, balance, stability. Seeing Tim smile and hearing him sing to himself when he thinks no one is around is all just witnessing his faith. He sees only God in the drivers seat. He's resigned to do whatever is asked of him. His encouragement lifts me up on a day that I may need it. Tomorrow may be the day that I do this for him, but today he's bringing the Holy Spirit into whatever room he enters. This is how we can keep going. Does someone do that for you? Does God show up in the lives of those around you to propel you forward into a fresh new view of Him in your life? Today I am challenged to get filled up so that tomorrow, I can be in that position. I challenge you to do the same. Get so close to God that he shines through you.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

His ways...Isaiah 55:8-9

Good Knight! It's been so long since our latest update on here. I should be ashamed of myself. I intend on doing a better job of utilizing this tool to display how Jesus is impacting our lives. Besides, who doesn't need to journal and get it all out from time to time?

We are now right in the middle of a lot, but who isn't? Today, I got to see how God is providing for us in a super fantastic way. We knew that the time was coming for us to get a new laptop. We have just been making due with the one that we have. It seems to get slower and slower, while new updated programs seem to get faster and cause my little Vaio to work harder.

It's tough now. We both are working from home on preparing for our overseas move. Without jobs, we were gonna need a miracle to be able to afford a new computer. We priced a few and did a little research, but didn't have the money just felt stinky about building up debt. Who knows, God has the power to keep this baby going until He provides another one. We thought that maybe we could try and save up some dough in the next few weeks, with massage and fix it projects, to get one. We even thought that we could wait until we were home on furlough after 2 years. We knew that buying one overseas was probably out of the question. We would have access to a limited selection and outrageous pricing in eastern Europe. I was sort of getting bummed. I knew that this laptop was gonna be my way of communicating with all of our supporters, friends, and FAMILY. I was getting bogged down pretty heavily just thinking of not being able to talk to my family, that I've always been so close to. I had started thinking that maybe God was gonna need me to focus on my work more and "wean" me off of them for a while. All these thoughts, feelings, and situations were pretty hard to face then today happened....

I got a call out of the blue. One of our supporters had heard of our need and God spoke to them. They are gonna give us a brand new laptop. They have already ordered and paid for it. They even paid for all of the software that we will need. They have no idea how big of a deal this is. First off, I know what a sacrifice it will be for them financially. Secondly, personally, it was God's way of speaking to me. He has actually been listening to my pleas, problems, tears, and sometimes whining.

This isn't an isolated case ya'll. He is working and listening and formulating fresh new ways to pop Himself into your lives too. Our God is the Father of logic, but He is also SUPERnatural. He does things His own way outside of how we see could are even possible to happen. His ways aren't our ways. His thoughts aren't our thoughts. If He didn't choose such an extraordinary way of meeting our need, we all would do a pretty poor job of exclaiming His greatness. He is our Savior, when no other conceivable way would work. Our God is big, audacious, worthy, and hungry for our attention! Thank you God for finding such extravagant ways of loving on us!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why aren't you dead yet?

Our church just started a series with this title and it got me thinking. I know people who question the meaning of life, why we are here, what's the purpose, and whether God has a plan at all. I am here to tell you that God does have a plan and your life has meaning....true meaning. That's why you aren't dead yet. God hasn't fulfilled His plan in your life yet. I know that God has a significant role for each of us to play. He doesn't need any of us, but He chooses to use us if we are obedient and willing to be used for His Glory, not our own. If you're still breathing, it's because the best is yet to come. Your most significant contribution is still ahead of you. I challenge you to get in tune with God and discover your role in the plan. I love to play chess. Every piece has a purpose and role to play. Every piece is completely dependent on the other pieces and a "master" with enough foresight to formulate an attack that will be victorious.
God is our Chess Master. He knows all of the pieces intimately, and He knows how each can be best utilized.
He knows you intimately, which is appropriate since He created you!

He has chosen you. He created you specifically the way you are for a reason.
Surrender every decision to Him and see where He leads you.
I can tell you from experience that it will be much farther than you ever thought you could go!